Does Fenugreek Boost Testosterone Levels? Science Explained!

Does Fenugreek Boost Testosterone Levels Know Science!

Fenugreek is a powerful medicinal herb whose seeds and leaves have been used in alternative medicine for millennia to treat various issues, from skin and hair conditions to gastrointestinal issues. In the last couple of decades, though, fenugreek has gained immense popularity for its purported ability to boost testosterone, which has made it one of the key ingredients of several testosterone boosters. This has prompted speculation among individuals looking to improve their low testosterone issues as to whether fenugreek does what it claims.

Well, the fact is that fenugreek indeed has a positive impact on testosterone production and levels. Since we always believe in presenting scientific evidence on anything we assert, we ran through dozens of studies on fenugreek and testosterone and compiled the most compelling ones that strongly establish the herb’s efficacy on male hormone regulation. Let’s take a look at the data.

Points To Note
  • Fenugreek contains a compound called Furostanolic saponins, which is responsible for boosting testosterone.
  • Fenugreek inhibits aromatase activity – the process of converting testosterone to estrogen.
  • Studies show that fenugreek supplementation can improve creatine uptake, boosting muscle performance.
  • Improved muscles increase workout potential, which slows down andropause.
  • Fenugreek is beneficial for overall health and testosterone functioning.

Can Fenugreek Improve Testosterone? – What Science Says

Can Fenugreek Improve Testosterone - What Science Says

Fenugreek is one of the most common ingredients used by testosterone-booster manufacturers, as it is believed to support testosterone production significantly. This herb has been exposed to numerous stringent studies by different teams of researchers and scientists, and all of them have established fenugreek’s direct connection with testosterone.

So yes, it does improve testosterone levels and also effectively tackles some of the low testosterone issues like low libido, weak muscles, weight gain, and more. Here are some of the groundbreaking research studies that back these claims.

Primary Evidence

A meta-analysis conducted in 2020 on the effects of fenugreek intake on testosterone levels included four clinical trials for the study. The data from these individual trials suggested that fenugreek extract can significantly improve total testosterone levels.

Another systematic review was conducted on the effects of herbs (including fenugreek) on testosterone levels in men. 9 studies confirmed that fenugreek seed extracts have the potential to raise testosterone levels prominently. The study further suggested that fenugreek supplementation can thus be beneficial in treating low testosterone issues in men.

In 2017, a group of researchers carried out a multi-centre clinical intervention on 50 men who were given 500 mg of Furosap (a patented compound Protodioscin – fenugreek extracts) supplementation for 12 weeks. The results of the trial indicated that testosterone levels rose by 46% in 90% of men. Furthermore, most men experienced a noticeable improvement in their sexual parameters like improvement in libido, healthy sperm count, boosted mood and energy, and increased sex drive.

Now, all the above studies have shown how fenugreek supplementation can have a direct impact on testosterone production and synthesis and is beneficial in treating low testosterone issues. But aside from these, We segregated another set of data that demonstrated the beneficial effect of fenugreek on other parameters like body weight, muscle growth, and strength, which can influence testosterone response significantly.

Fenugreek And Testosterone – Other Compelling Studies

Fenugreek And Testoserone - Other Compelling Studies

In research to understand the efficacy of fenugreek seed extract on various physiological parameters associated with testosterone, 60 healthy men were given 300 mg of fenugreek supplementation twice daily. In addition, they underwent a 4 days per week resistance training program for 8 weeks.

The study found that fenugreek consumption, combined with regular workouts, helped reduce body fat while retaining muscle mass and strength, which are crucial for testosterone synthesis. Researchers also indicated the testosterone-boosting effect of fenugreek is likely due to its ability to inhibit aromatase and decrease the conversion of testosterone to estrogen which restores the testosterone level in the body.

In another similar study, nearly 50 resistance-trained athletes when given 500 mg of fenugreek extracts also showed a significant improvement in muscle strength in their upper and lower body with a reduced body composition. Moreover, it was also noted that the herbal extract was well tolerated and had no adverse effects on the body.

The above data were corroborated by a recent systematic review which confirmed that fenugreek can improve creatine uptake without having to take too much carbohydrate intake. This then boosts energy, promotes muscle growth by encouraging protein synthesis, and enhances strength and performance without raising the blood glucose levels due to carb intake.

Moreover, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in fenugreek seed extracts reduce oxidative stress damage in the body, leading to faster post-workout recovery.

Other Benefits Of Fenugreek

Benefits Of Fenugreek

Aside from serving as a multi-faceted remedy for testosterone improvement, Fenugreek supplementation can offer numerous other health benefits. Some of these can even directly or indirectly support testosterone health. Here’s what you can expect:

Blood glucose regulation: High blood sugar levels can do a lot of harm to the body and even block the body’s ability to produce testosterone. Studies have shown that fenugreek supplementation can be beneficial in balancing sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects: Fenugreek seeds contain antioxidant-rich compounds that reduce potential cell damage due to oxidative stress. This can reduce various inflammatory conditions, including asthma.

Lowered cholesterol: Fenugreek supplementation has been found to improve the lipid profile by decreasing bad cholesterol in the body without disturbing the HDL (healthy cholesterol).

Anti-cancer effect: Few studies have suggested that fenugreek seeds can help prevent cellular toxicity and be beneficial in preventing cancer.


All the above studies indicate that fenugreek has the potential to boost testosterone production significantly when taken consistently. Whether you take it in the form of dietary pills or use it as a culinary ingredient, fenugreek can positively influence a range of body processes. It improves insulin response, metabolism, and energy levels and supports muscle functioning while promoting weight loss, all of which are crucial for proper testosterone production.

However, if you want to improve your testosterone levels, fenugreek supplementation needs to be combined with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. Also, if your levels are clinically low, do not hesitate to see a doctor to determine the underlying reason behind the deficiency so you can take the appropriate measures or treatment.